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I'm a Dutch developer, and I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in IT. I'm fully blind and use a screen reader to do my job.

我是一名荷兰开发人员,最近刚毕业,获得了IT学士学位。 我完全瞎了,使用屏幕阅读器来完成我的工作。

I walk the treacherous path of the blind developer - a path I will describe, as well as the various traps it contains.


I've worked for various companies as a back-end web developer who is slowly but surely also migrating to more and more front-end work, the technological landscape being what it is.


I have worked with a variety of technologies, from c# to Python and from Rails to JavaScript.


I am also an accessibility expert, familiar with the usual suspects such as , and friends. What I mean by proficient in this case is that I have used these skills in a professional setting by performing accessibility audits on websites, web applications and desktop applications.

我还是一名可访问性专家,熟悉 , 和朋友等常见的犯罪嫌疑人。 我精通这种情况的意思是,我通过在网站,Web应用程序和桌面应用程序上执行辅助功能审核来在专业环境中使用这些技能。

I have also amassed theoretical knowledge by going through the , which I can highly recommend if you want a firm grounding in accessibility fundamentals.

通过参加 ,我还积累了理论知识,如果您想在可访问性基础知识上有坚实的基础,我可以向您强烈建议。

This proficiency with accessibility regulations is mainly a consequence of the fact that I myself require content to be accessible in order to be able to use it.


This description will at times be factual, at times opinion-based. Most of the time, it will be the experiences of a single individual who writes code for a living without using his eyes to help him see what he's doing.

该描述有时是事实的,有时是基于观点的。 在大多数情况下,这将是一个人为自己编写代码而不靠他的眼睛帮助他了解自己在做什么的经历。

I am hoping this tale will shed some light on my workflow and the things I have to deal with to keep that workflow going on a regular basis. Finally, it will be a snapshot of sorts of all the things I've learned and am still learning about this process.

我希望这个故事能对我的工作流程以及使该工作流程保持正常运行所必须处理的事情有所启发。 最后,它将是我所学到的所有东西的快照,并且仍在学习中。

开始您的旅程:踏入大门 (Starting your journey: getting a foot in the door)

In order to work for a dev team with sighted colleagues, you obviously will need to get hired first. Making that happen means you need to hop over some interesting gotchas that may not be immediately apparent, which is why I dedicate a section of the article to it here.

为了与有远见的同事一起为开发团队工作,您显然需要首先被录用。 要做到这一点,就意味着您需要跳过一些可能不会立即显现出来的有趣的陷阱,这就是为什么我在本文中专门为其专门介绍了一部分。

Job hunting as a blind developer is an interesting activity. Just like anyone else applying to any job ever, it starts with a resume and in most cases a cover letter.

作为盲目的开发人员的求职是一项有趣的活动。 就像其他人申请任何工作一样,它以简历开头,在大多数情况下是求职信。

A question I initially faced was whether I should immediately notify the company of my blindness or not. I've found that generally, it's better to not do that because of the simple reason you put unnecessary emphasis on the blindness if you do.

我最初面临的一个问题是我是否应该立即将失明通知公司。 我发现一般情况下,最好不要这样做,因为这样做的原因很简单,那就是不必要地强调盲目性。

I am a developer with qualifications, experience and skills I have earned and worked hard for, and those are the merits I want to be hired for.


Being blind, to me, is an inconsequential thing next to those skills, unless it can somehow be an asset to the position. This would for example be true for an accessibility-related position.

对我而言,失明是这些技能旁边无关紧要的事情,除非它可以以某种方式成为该职位的资产。 例如,对于与可访问性相关的职位,这将是正确的。

This has led to some rather interesting situations, from bewildered looks at my white cane or, later, guide dog, to hastily devised excuses to end the job interview prematurely.


Although discriminating against someone with a disability is illegal, it is at times rather easy to disguise as something else. This is something to look out for. Fortunately, this doesn't happen all that often, but to not mention it here would be playing fast and loose with the truth.

尽管歧视残疾人是非法的,但有时很容易伪装成其他东西。 这是要注意的事情。 幸运的是,这种情况并不会经常发生,但是在这里不提它会在事实中飞速发展。

It is a careful balancing act in the best of cases. These days, I tend to mention my blindness at the very last moment when I negotiate a job interview over the phone, by stating I will be bringing a dog to the office and asking if anyone is allergic to dogs. Usually, the next question is a very understandable "Why?" and only then will I mention it, minimizing it as much as possible. Most of the time, this approach has given me at least a chance to come in for a first interview.

在最佳情况下,这是一种谨慎的平衡行为。 这些天,我倾向于在最后一次通过电话谈判工作面试时提到失明,说我将把一只狗带到办公室,问是否有人对狗过敏。 通常,下一个问题是一个非常容易理解的“为什么?” 只有到那时,我才会提及它,并尽可能地减少它。 在大多数情况下,这种方法至少给了我第一次面试的机会。

Other obstacles are mandatory screenings or assessments that are not accessible, these are generally standardized tests that cannot be deviated from according to the company you are applying for.


This has the usual consequence of  generally ending the job interview procedure right there. Obviously, the issue can be forced but in the vein of creating a positive working environment, this is really not something I can recommend.

这通常会导致通常在此处结束工作面试程序的后果。 显然,这个问题可以被迫解决,但是就创建一个积极的工作环境而言,这并不是我所建议的。

This has to do with the above mentioned emphasis on your status as a blind person. The more you make an issue of it, the more importance it gains for the person considering your job application.

这与上述对您作为盲人身份的强调有关。 您发布的问题越多,对于考虑您的工作申请的人来说,它就越重要。

What follows is generally an almost scripted procedure. The job interview goes off without a hitch in most cases, but gains an extra component I like to call the "Monkey show, Monkey do" portion.

接下来通常是几乎脚本化的过程。 在大多数情况下,工作面试顺利进行,但是我喜欢将其称为“猴子表演,猴子做”部分。

This part of the interview is usually preceded by a question like: "You can probably imagine why I ask, but ...how? How do you program without looking?"


At this point, I explain about screen readers, the blazingly fast rate they spit out information at and I usually get out my laptop to give a bit of a demonstration.


I usually get stares of amazement. Once people even clapped for me.

我通常会感到惊讶。 曾经有人甚至为我鼓掌。

Although that is of course very flattering, being stared at in admiration for doing something that is second nature has a tendency to get old from time to time. This is nothing personal. It's just possible that you are the third person doing so today. Answering the same questions over and over certainly falls in that same category as well.

尽管这当然很讨人喜欢,但由于做某事是第二自然而引起敬佩,这有一种时而变老的趋势。 这不是私人的。 您很可能是今天的第三个人。 当然,一遍又一遍地回答相同的问题也属于同一类别。

As a result, I wrote an article, my first one on freeCodeCamp in fact, to answer some of the questions I often get  when it comes to being a blind developer.


Fortunately, both this demonstration as well as this momentary period of being stared at usually doesn't last very long. I've found that doing this makes it a lot easier to explain why something is or is not a challenge further down the road.

幸运的是,这个演示以及被盯着的瞬间通常不会持续很长时间。 我发现这样做可以更轻松地解释为什么某些挑战在以后会是或不是挑战。

Being put on display like that - although sometimes uncomfortable -  is very much worth it in the end. After all, the reactions are understandable. I am doing something a lot of people can't even imagine doing without sight.

像这样被展示-尽管有时不舒服-最终还是值得的。 毕竟,这些React是可以理解的。 我正在做很多人甚至无法想象做的事。

选择您的工具:不断变戏法的不断斗争 (Picking your tools: The constant Struggle for the constant Juggle)

For various pursuits, you require a set of tools to be effective. Climbers will need rope, anchoring hooks etc. And programmers require tools to program, test, collaborate, share and look up information etc.

对于各种追求,您需要一套有效的工具。 登山者将需要绳索,锚钩等。程序员需要工具来编程,测试,协作,共享和查找信息等。

Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people quit. Perhaps even more unfortunately, this is totally understandable.

不幸的是,这是很多人辞职的地方。 也许更不幸的是,这是完全可以理解的。

The amount of work you have to put in to get a decent stack going that works for your use case - on top of your normal 40-hour work week - can be a bit overwhelming.


The operating system is the first hurdle. A lot of dev teams here in the Netherlands use Macs exclusively. Sadly however, the accessibility APIs available to the MacOS screen reader, Voiceover, is in a lot of cases inferior to those in Windows.

操作系统是第一个障碍。 荷兰的许多开发团队专门使用Mac。 但是,令人遗憾的是,MacOS屏幕阅读器Voiceover可用的可访问性API在许多情况下不如Windows中的API。

The amount of keystrokes required to perform a task on the Mac is often higher than on Windows, with MacOS being a very mouse-oriented operating system.


Finally, the screen reader itself lacks a lot of the convenience features and customization options of it's Windows counterparts.


In an industry that is supposed to be equally accessible to both the blind and the sighted, these shortcomings translate into serious productivity hits in comparison to my sighted colleagues. This can be stressful and requires some understanding and flexibility from my colleagues at times.

在一个盲人和视障人士都可以平等进入的行业中,与我的视障同事相比,这些缺点转化为严重的生产力损失。 这可能会带来压力,有时需要同事的理解和灵活性。

Once you're familiar with a codebase and tools have been sorted out, you can perform a lot of tasks just as fast as sighted colleagues.


Achieving that familiarity however, can take time. Especially if tools are not as accessible as they can be. You can lose precious time wrestling with a tool that is supposed to help you in your work, but rather, hinders or even blocks you entirely.

但是,要达到这种熟悉程度需要花费时间。 尤其是在工具难以获得时。 使用本来可以帮助您工作的工具却会浪费宝贵的时间,而实际上却会完全阻碍甚至阻塞您。

Fortunately I have usually been met with understanding and, a lot of times, curiosity about the shortcomings from my sighted colleagues. This isn't something to depend on though. When a lot of work needs to be done in a short amount of time, every productivity hit is in a sense one too many.

幸运的是,我通常会遇到很多见识到的同事,并对我目睹的同事的缺点感到好奇。 这不是要依赖的东西。 当需要在短时间内完成大量工作时,从某种意义上说,每一次生产力的打击都太多了。

To alleviate these problems as much as possible, it's paramount that you know every little shortcut and trick of the trade in your tools of choice to shave off time wasted on actions you repeat all the time. Macro keys, shell aliases, editor extensions that give you more keyboard shortcuts - these are the name of the game.

为了尽可能地减轻这些问题,最重要的是,您应该知道选择工具中交易的每一个小捷径和技巧,以减少浪费在一直重复执行的操作上的时间。 宏键,shell别名和编辑器扩展为您提供了更多键盘快捷键-这些是游戏的名称。

But sometimes the tools that are supposed to help you will get in your way instead. Where my sighted colleagues often use graphical tools to manage certain aspects of their jobs, these tools are often inaccessible. This requires me to - often on the spot - figure out some kind of workaround to still perform the same task with some modicum of efficiency.

但是有时候,本来可以帮助您的工具会妨碍您。 在我见过的同事经常使用图形工具来管理其工作的某些方面的地方,这些工具通常是不可访问的。 这就要求我(通常是当场)找出某种解决方法,以一定的效率仍然执行相同的任务。

For a graphical application, this might be a command line equivalent. A website might have an API. Sometimes, a second graphical tool might work better than the de facto one. Constantly puzzling out alternatives for inaccessible technology is a constant part of the job when you do it with your eyes closed. Getting the freedom to bring your own tools is very important for that reason.

对于图形应用程序,这可能是等效的命令行。 网站可能具有API。 有时,第二个图形工具可能比实际的工具更好。 当您闭着眼睛去做时,不断地迷惑无法访问的技术的替代方案是工作的恒定部分。 因此,拥有自带工具的自由非常重要。

I've rarely seen tools being enforced because developers generally have a strong preference for their own workflow. But for the jobs that do insisted on me using specific tools, this often becomes a dealbreaker for any future contracts I would take on. Tools are that important.

我很少看到强制执行的工具,因为开发人员通常对自己的工作流有强烈的偏好。 但是对于确实使用特定工具要求我完成的工作,这通常会成为我将来要签订的任何合同的败笔。 工具是如此重要。

Your first thought might be to just use Windows if MacOS makes you less productive. In an ideal world, that would be a viable solution. However, especially in older codebases, dev teams have often devised little hacks to make older code run on their newer hardware/software that shouldn't even be running anymore in the first place. These hacks are OS-specific, and are often hard to replicate on Windows - even while using the Windows Subsystem for Linux. They can sometimes take weeks to get working. It's often not worth it.

您首先想到的是,如果MacOS使您的生产力下降,则仅使用Windows。 在理想的世界中,这将是一个可行的解决方案。 但是,特别是在较旧的代码库中,开发团队经常设计一些小技巧,以使较旧的代码在其较新的硬件/软件上运行,而这些硬件/软件甚至本来就不应再运行。 这些黑客是特定于操作系统的,即使在使用Windows Linux子系统时,也通常很难在Windows上复制它们。 他们有时可能需要数周才能开始工作。 这通常是不值得的。

Right now, for that reason, I am almost mandatorily running a Windows 10 virtual machine within Vmware Fusion on the Mac. I am forced to use two operating systems at once to get my work done. Windows holds my web browser, my code editor of choice and various other tools I use to increase my productivity:

出于这个原因,现在,我几乎必须在Mac上的Vmware Fusion中运行Windows 10虚拟机。 我被迫一次使用两个操作系统来完成工作。 Windows拥有我的Web浏览器,我选择的代码编辑器以及我用来提高生产率的各种其他工具:

  • Google Chrome

  • VS Code

  • a decent PDF reader

  • an office suite for working with DOCX and XLSX files


Basically all real applications run on the Windows VM, making the MacOS part more of a server that just hosts the application code.

基本上,所有实际应用程序都在Windows VM上运行,从而使MacOS成为仅托管应用程序代码的服务器的一部分。

This is a good example of the freedom of to use your own tools I referred to. Nobody else in my team runs the same setup I do. But doing this has generally been met with understanding and support from my colleagues because they can see I can get work done this way.

这是我提到的使用自己的工具自由的一个很好的例子。 我团队中没有其他人运行与我相同的设置。 但是这样做通常得到了同事的理解和支持,因为他们可以看到我可以通过这种方式完成工作。

Accessibility, especially in dev tools, can be incredibly hard to defend. Often you are not being taken seriously when you ask for what should be a basic feature. In a sense, you are merely asking to be able to use the application.

可访问性,尤其是在开发工具中,很难防御。 通常,当您要求基本功能时,您并不会受到重视。 从某种意义上讲,您只是在要求能够使用该应用程序。

But it is not on the roadmap, developers can't be spared to work on it, it doesn't have priority, etc. Are reasons for not fixing a tool's accessibility almost like clockwork. Other times, promises are made for fixes that never materialize.

但是它并不是在路线图上,开发人员不能幸免于此,它没有优先级,等等。这是无法修复工具可访问性的原因,就像发条一样。 在其他时候,承诺永远不会实现。

I would love to see this improve, and have had the pleasure of seeing it happen now and again. It is still a problem that keeps coming back though and as developers, me included, we should do better.

我希望看到这种情况有所改善,并且很高兴看到它一次又一次地发生。 尽管仍然是一个问题,但仍然存在,并且作为开发人员,包括我在内,我们应该做得更好。

My sighted colleagues take a lot of tooling for granted. In a .NET team for example, it is rare to see a developer that isn't using Resharper to boost their productivity.

我见过的同事认为很多工具都是理所当然的。 例如,在一个.NET团队中,很少看到没有使用Resharper来提高其生产力的开发人员。

Ironically, this extension for Visual Studio, itself quite accessible, uses a lot of keystrokes to do what it does. You would think that would make it an ideal tool for a blind developer, who only uses a keyboard to code. However, the output of this extension is more often than not inaccessible, rendering the tool more of a hindrance then an aid.

具有讽刺意味的是,此Visual Studio扩展本身很容易访问,它使用许多按键来完成其功能。 您会认为这将使其成为只使用键盘进行编码的盲人开发人员的理想工具。 但是,此扩展程序的输出通常不是不可访问的,这给该工具带来了更多的障碍,而不是一种帮助。

I have been hounding for years to get them to fix this tool's accessibility, which even at the time of this writing is abysmal. I have been impolitely dismissed, ignored and finally made promises to, so far unfulfilled. This unwillingness to fix what is obviously a problem that has been there for years makes me hesitant to commit on a .NET-based position. Even if the problems get miraculously solved, the track record of leaving it unsolved for so long would make me wonder when it's going to break again.

多年来,我一直在追寻 ,以使他们修复此工具的可访问性,即使在撰写本文时,它也很糟糕。 我一直被无礼地开除,忽视并最终作出承诺,但迄今为止尚未兑现。 这种不愿意解决显然已经存在多年的问题的意愿使我犹豫不决地承担基于.NET的职位。 即使奇迹般地解决了问题,但将问题长时间解决的记录会让我想知道何时会再次崩溃。

In one of the first dev teams I worked with, Postman was used heavily to test API endpoints the back-end developers created. Postman has a number of glaring accessibility issues that make it hard to use with a screen reader. For a perfect example of unfulfilled promises, have a look at . Observe that the issue is still open after almost 2 years and promises are made but not being kept.

在与我合作的第一个开发团队中,Postman被大量用于测试后端开发人员创建的API端点。 邮递员有许多明显的可访问性问题,这些问题使屏幕阅读器难以使用。 有关未兑现承诺的完美示例,请查看 。 可以观察到,该问题在将近2年后仍未解决,并且已兑现但未兑现。

Accessibility is often an afterthought, something that is undeniably proven again and again. Slack, sadly, is a good example of this. The accessibility of this now almost undismissable tool was abysmal, screen reader users could simply not work with it.

可访问性通常是事后的想法,无可否认地一再证明了这一点。 遗憾的是,松弛就是一个很好的例子。 现在这个几乎无法使用的工具的可访问性非常糟糕,屏幕阅读器用户根本无法使用它。

We are definitely seeing improvements in that space, . But the amount of time all of this takes is incredibly high - months, at times years, that people using a screen reader cannot adequately access resources their colleagues have access to. This kind of deficiency can and does cause people to lose their job because they just can't keep up with the communications within the company they work at.

我们肯定会看到该领域的改进, 。 但是,所有这一切所花费的时间非常长-数月甚至数年,使用屏幕阅读器的人们无法充分访问其同事可以访问的资源。 这种缺陷会并且确实会导致人们失业,因为他们只是跟不上工作所在公司内部的沟通。

The tools mentioned above (Resharper, Slack, Postman etc.) are key players in their chosen fields. Not having access to these tools hamstrings you as a developer and forces you to spend cycles you should be spending on getting work done on finding workarounds and alternative tools instead. This is wasteful, tiring and shouldn't be necessary, but it is and it is one of the core skills I've had to get very good at to keep up.

上面提到的工具(Resharper,Slack,Postman等)是他们选择的领域中的关键角色。 无法使用这些工具会阻碍您作为开发人员的工作,并迫使您花费很多时间,而您应该花费大量时间来完成寻找变通办法和替代工具的工作。 这是浪费,累人的,不是必须的,但确实如此,这是我必须非常善于跟上的核心技能之一。

As time goes by, I will say that there seems to be a downwards trend of this being necessary, though. Efforts of Microsoft, Apple, Google and other big players are making more and more people aware of this almost constant battle for equal access to productivity. By no means are we out of the woods though, something that was quite clearly demonstrated by that is currently raging through the accessibility community.

随着时间的流逝,我会说这种趋势似乎有下降的趋势。 微软,苹果,谷歌和其他大公司的努力正在使越来越多的人意识到这场几乎平等的争夺平等获得生产力的斗争。 但是,我们绝不走出低谷, 已清楚地表明了一点,该问题目前正在无障碍社区中肆虐。

Blind people are a niche market to software and web developers. Blind developers are a niche market within a niche market.

盲人是软件和Web开发人员的利基市场。 盲目开发者是利基市场中的利基市场。

Blind developers who keep at it, become productive and hold a full-time job, are sadly even more rare. This can and should change, but until that happens the fight for accessible developer tooling is one you fight on your own. I hope it is a fight we won't have to fight in the future, I will do my best to contribute to that goal.

不幸的是,盲目地坚持下去,提高生产力并担任全职工作的开发人员更加罕见。 这可以并且应该改变,但是在那之前,为获得可访问的开发人员工具而进行的斗争是您自己进行的。 我希望这是我们将来不必战斗的斗争,我会尽力为这一目标做出贡献。

什物 (Odds and ends)

I want to end this article on a positive note.  The fact that I am still in this field, the fact I hold a full-time job as a developer brings me a lot of happiness even through all the seemingly constant obstacles. I'm happy I can contribute to a great team of colleagues that treat me as an equal and think with me when I run into something I am having trouble with.

我想以积极的态度结束本文。 我仍然在这一领域,我担任开发人员的全职工作这一事实为我带来了很多快乐,即使遇到了所有看似固定的障碍。 我很高兴能为一支很棒的同事团队做出贡献,这些同事将我视为平等,并在遇到麻烦时与我一起思考。

I want to emphasize that even though the field of computer science is not free of obstacles, people can thrive and are thriving in CS-related jobs. The struggles described above are certainly true, but compared to other fields they are at least to a large degree manageable. I doubt that I will write an article any time soon about my career switch to a surgeon, a fighter pilot or a professional baseball player, but then technology might yet surprise me. For now though, I'm happy where I am and have a great team around me.

我想强调一点,即使计算机科学领域没有障碍,人们也可以蓬勃发展并在与CS相关的工作中蒸蒸日上。 以上所述的斗争确实是正确的,但与其他领域相比,它们至少在很大程度上是可以控制的。 我怀疑我是否会在不久的将来写一篇关于我转行给外科医生,战斗机飞行员或职业棒球选手的文章,但是那时科技可能会让我感到惊讶。 但就目前而言,我很高兴自己在哪里,周围有一支很棒的团队。

I am often asked for my opinion when it comes to the effect on the accessibility of the product we are working on. My opinions definitely aren't always going to cause things to change, but I'm glad I am at least able to make people aware of the importance of accessibility and what will happen when it is being disregarded.I am, after all, a living breathing example of just what happens when a tool is not or no longer accessible.

当涉及到对我们正在开发的产品的可访问性的影响时,经常有人问我意见。 我的观点肯定不会总是会导致事情发生变化,但是我很高兴我至少能够使人们意识到可访问性的重要性以及当它被无视时会发生什么。我毕竟是当工具无法使用或不再可用时,会发生什么的生动例子。

The WordPress article linked to above sends this message very clearly; a tool that has been very usable and accessible for years is now nose-diving. This is something that can happen to any tool a blind developer depends on, the Russian roulette of the business so to speak.

上面链接的WordPress文章非常清楚地发送了此消息; 多年来一直非常有用且易于使用的工具现在令人垂涎。 盲目的开发人员所依赖的任何工具(可以说是企业的俄罗斯轮盘赌)都可能发生这种情况。

By writing articles like this, by giving talks, educating developers and by experimenting with new tools, new techniques and new methodologies I hope to stay ahead of the curve. By writing down my findings, I hope to teach others the tricks of the trade I found out by trial and error so the threshold to this field is lowered for screen reader users.

通过编写这样的文章,进行演讲,教育开发人员以及尝试新工具,新技术和新方法,我希望能保持领先地位。 通过写下我的发现,我希望教别人通过反复试验发现的交易技巧,从而降低屏幕阅读器用户的入门门槛。

The main goals of this article align with many, if not all of those goals. I hope I have given you a glimpse into both the struggles as well as the positives of a blind programmer.

本文的主要目标与许多(即使不是全部)目标保持一致。 我希望我能使您瞥见一个盲目的程序员的挣扎和积极之处。

I hope I have pointed out that even though doing this is possible, we can and should improve the experience immensely. I hope I have sparked the readers of this article to think, really think, about the consequences of inaccessible software and I hope I have shown off that even through all the obstacles, it is very possible to become good, even great in this field once you achieve escape velocity.

我希望我已经指出,即使这样做是可能的,我们也可以而且应该极大地改善经验。 我希望我能激发本文的读者,真正思考一下无法访问的软件所带来的后果,并且希望我已经证明,即使克服了所有障碍,一旦在这一领域变得非常好,甚至变得很棒您可以达到逃逸速度。

In light of the positive note I was just referring to, I want to end this article by mentioning two huge accessibility wins that are perfect examples of how we have done better, both of which I have been an honored contributor to.


For learning how to code, a lot of the more interactive resources out there like are not very accessible. This has to do with various components that are used in these projects not being accessible. Fortunately, .

为了学习编码,很多非交互性资源(如都不易访问。 这与无法访问这些项目中使用的各种组件有关。 幸运的是, 。

One of the resources that has been gaining a lot of traction over the last few years is . This initiative used to have some rather severe accessibility issues which very recently have almost been completely fixed and overhauled, making the platform very viable for screen reader users who want to learn how to code.

在过去的几年中获得广泛关注的资源之一是 。 该计划曾经存在一些相当严重的可访问性问题,最近这些问题几乎已被完全修复和检修,这使得该平台对于想要学习编码的屏幕阅读器用户来说非常可行。

This has a lot to do with the which is a very accessible web-based code editor and is in fact the editor component uses. This editor, when it came out, was literally completely inaccessible. However, in a relatively short time this was not only fixed to a large degree, but now makes projects like freeCodeCamp accessible by default because they use the same component. This is the way it should always be, this is what I am hoping to see more of as I keep at this. And with that, I think it's high time I get back to programming.

这与 , 是一个非常易于访问的基于Web的代码编辑器,实际上是使用的编辑器组件。 该编辑器问世时,实际上是完全无法访问的。 但是,在相对较短的时间内,这不仅得到了很大程度的解决,而且现在使FreeCodeCamp之类的项目默认可访问,因为它们使用相同的组件。 这是应该一直保持的方式,这就是我一直希望保持的现状。 因此,我认为现在是时候重新开始编程了。




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